手採茶與Mechanical Harvest的優缺點

這幾年來由於早期培訓採茶工的年紀漸大.年輕一輩覺得辛苦,投入人力不足,因此近年來每到採茶時期.大家都不夠採茶工.但茶樹不能等.所以使用機器 採收茶葉的狀況愈來愈多,很多茶友認為機剪茶品質較差,也有人認使用機器採收少了茶梗重量比較划算,到底機剪與手採有何優缺點呢?




Mechanical Harvest

Within the characteristics as fewer manpower required, lower costs needed more, less weight than hand-made gathering for no tea stalk picked, make the price cheaper and more valuable. For the faster speed on harvesting, the harvest could be worked at noon when the dew is gone completely. Therefore, the problem on insufficient time to harvest is solved and thus the tea quality is superior.

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